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This consultation has now closed.


The documents below provide details of the representations received in response to the consultation on the proposed Main Modifications, and the issues raised in the representations  with the Council’s response to the points raised.



Main modifications consultation


A Statement of Representations Procedure was produced to set out the full details of the consultation. Please note - the consultation was limited to representations on the Schedule of Main Modifications and associated consultation documents listed below. It was not an opportunity to comment on other aspects of the submitted Local Plan or re-submit previous representations, as these have already been considered by the Inspector as part of the Examination hearings.


What happens next?


Once the consultation has concluded, the responses will be considered by the Inspector in writing his report recommending whether the Plan should be adopted or not.


Consultation background


The Watford Local Plan 2018-2036 was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in August 2021, with subsequent Examination in Public hearing sessions being held between 8 January 2022 and 9 February 2022. For details of the hearing sessions see here; for all other details relating to the examination to date see here; and to view all other information about the local plan, including the previous stages of consultation see here.


As a result of the hearing sessions, the council has proposed a series of changes to the submitted Plan in order to make the Plan sound. These have been agreed by the Inspector as being satisfactory for consultation and been subject to further sustainability appraisal. They are proposed without prejudice to the Inspector’s final conclusions which will take account of all representations submitted in response to this consultation.


Consultation documents


The consultation documents listed below can be viewed here:



Additional modifications


A Schedule of additional Minor Modifications are published alongside the consultation. These are mainly minor grammatical, wording or factual corrections and are not considered necessary to make the Plan sound. These are provided for information only and any comments on these will be dealt with internally by the Council and will not be sent to the Inspector.



When viewing the two schedules of modifications, please refer to the page and paragraph numbers and policy references in the respective schedule which relate to the Submission Plan. This can be viewed here.


Viewing the documents


Hard copies of the Schedule of Main Modifications and Schedule of additional Minor Modifications and the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum will be available to view at the locations below during opening hours.


  • Watford Town Hall (WD17 3EX)

    • Monday and Friday (9am-3pm)

    • Wednesday (11am-5pm)

  • North Watford Public Library (St Albans Rd, WD24 7RW)

    • Monday-Wednesday (9:30am-6pm)

    • Friday (1pm-6pm)

    • Saturday (9:30am-4pm)

  • Watford Public Library (Hempstead Road, WD17 3EU)

    • Monday, Wednesday (9:30am-6pm)

    • Tuesday, Thursday (9:30am-7pm)

    • Friday (9:30am-6pm - self-service only in morning)

    • Saturday (9:30am-4pm)

    • Sunday (1:00pm-5pm)


Contact us


For any queries contact the Planning Policy team at:


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